Where to find Chongqing Cummins K19/K38/K50 engine serial Number
The serial number of Chongqing Cummins K19, K38, K50 series engines can usually be found in the following locations:
Engine nameplate:
K19, K38 series: The nameplate is usually located on the side of the engine block, near the turbocharger or oil filter. The nameplate will display basic information about the engine, including the serial number (ESN).
K50 series: The nameplate is usually located on the top or side of the engine block, possibly near the cylinder head.

Engine manual or factory documents:
If you have the original manual or factory documents for the engine, the engine serial number will also be recorded on these documents.
You should be able to find the serial number of Chongqing Cummins K19, K38, K50 series engines. Once you have the serial number, you can use it to look up the part number or get more information about the engine.