
Where to find DCEC Cummins 6B/6C engine serial Number

Where to find DCEC Cummins 6B/6C engine serial Number

The serial number of Dongfeng Cummins 6B and 6C series engines can usually be found in the following locations:

1.Engine nameplate:

Location: The nameplate is usually located on the front or side of the engine, usually near the cylinder head or oil filter area.

Information: The nameplate will display the engine model, serial number (ESN), power, displacement and other information.

2.Cylinder block lettering:

Location: The serial number is located on the front cover/gear housing of the engine

Find: You may need to clean the surface of the cylinder block to view the lettering.

3.Engine manual or factory documents:

Content: The engine serial number is usually recorded in the original engine manual or factory documents. These documents will also have information about engine configuration and maintenance.